Rosemary oil
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AVAILABILITY: In stock (72 items)

Rosemary essential oil is rich in calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, B6, and C, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. The oil protects the skin from damage caused by sun and free radicals. It prevents the hair from premature...

Rs. 145.00
Neem oil
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (90 items)

Neem essential oil has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has regenerative properties that stimulate hair follicles and improve hair growth. It is rich in fatty acids, which conditions dry hair & scalp as well as eliminates dandruff and gets...

Rs. 53.00
Cedarwood (Indian)
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AVAILABILITY: In stock (46 items)

Cedarwood (Indian) essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It opens the chest and clears the breath, especially during cold, cough, and flu. It improves sleep and manages pain & inflammation. It heals, rejuvenates, and moisturizes the skin, ridding it of acne

Rs. 76.00
Peppermint Plain
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (89 items)

Peppermint essential oil is rich in potassium, omega-3, magnesium, copper, manganese, vitamin A and C, and iron. The oil provides antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and carminative properties. It provides relief from stomach aches, muscle tension, breath freshener, headaches, and digestive problems.

Rs. 81.00
Camphor Oil NI
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (89 items)

Camphor essential oil has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, decongestant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It helps treat skin conditions such as eczema & nail fungus, relieves pain, treats cold & cough, induces sleep, treats head lice, and improves respiratory function.

Rs. 58.00
Wintergreen (Methyl Salicylate)
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (97 items)

Wintergreen (Methyl Salicylate) essential oil has antiarthritic, antiseptic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil reduces pain, headaches, and colic. It decreases bacterial infections, sore throat, and helps treat tooth decay and skin conditions. It acts as an insecticide.

Rs. 74.00
Tea tree
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (97 items)

Tea tree oil has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It is highly versatile and is therefore, used to cure fungal infection on nails, ringworm, athlete’s foot, scabies, and remove lice. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe itchy & irritated skin and cure skin...

Rs. 174.00
Eucalyptus oil
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (92 items)

Eucalyptus essential oil has a cornucopia of benefits. It is a rich source of antispasmodic, and has anti-inflammatory & antiseptic properties. It is used for purifying the atmosphere and boosting immunity. It is ideal for aroma therapy, as a massage...

Rs. 81.00
Ylang III
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (96 items)

Ylang essential oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and antimicrobial properties. It helps people with high blood pressure. In addition, it is used as an antispasmodic, antidepressant, and sedative. It helps reduce symptoms of pre-/post-menstural syndrome such as cramps and mood swings.

Rs. 395.00
Pine Essential Oil
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (91 items)

Pine essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It soothes itchiness and dryness, helps control excessive perspiration, and prevents fungal infection. The oil also improves blood circulation and reduces signs of aging. It smoothens, moisturizes, and protects...

Rs. 58.00
Lemongrass oil
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (99 items)

Lemongrass essential oil has astringent and antiseptic properties; therefore, this oil is extensively used in cosmetics. It helps achieve glowing and toned skin. The oil is also added to creams and lotions. The oil can help reduce cellulite and acne....

Rs. 81.00
Lavender Oil Pure (Bulgarian)
Out of stock

AVAILABILITY: In stock (86 items)

Pure Bulgarian lavender oil has abundant medical, cosmetic, and therapeutic uses. This oil is used to reduce stress, headaches, and skin aging. It has antifungal and antiseptic properties that decrease itching. This is one of the very few essential oils...

Rs. 512.00